I see the most wonderful things on my daily commute.

Every morning that I ride the full course, I bike through Georgetown and then up East Marginal Way.  Right behind the AMPM on the Corner of East Marginal and Ellis Ave there is a small motel.  The Aeromotel I think is what it is called.  I hear a rooster crowing as I ride by.  One morning I actually caught a glimpse of him.  He is a small, golden bantey rooster with a feathertop fedora.  He is pretty and seems content to reign over the parking lot.  I have not seen any hens, I assume he is a loner. 

The Motel owners have put up full length mirrors all along the front of the building to keep him entertained.  I search for him daily.  Every time I see him I smile and he improves my day by miles.


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